Thursday 31 May 2012

Here we are with Room 3 children beside the fire engine.

Learning to be Firewise

This week we are learning about how to be firewise.  It was very exciting to have a visit from the fire brigade on Monday.
 Today we had a visit from a fire officer. He taught us how to be fire wise.

 We listened carefully and learnt how to be safe.

Here we are practicing getting down, getting low and getting out!

We finished by going quickly to our school safe meeting place!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

 How can we change our wool?
We dyed some of the wool in orange dye. We had to put it in the dye and stir it for ages. We all took turns.

While the wool was dying we practiced carding wool.

Look at our beautiful dyed wool!

We decided to weave some carded wool. We persevered even though it was hard for us.

We helped each other.

Look at our beautiful weaving.

Next we learnt to felt our wool.
We laid 4 strips of carded wool one way, then 4 strips another way
We put some of our dyed wool onto the carded wool..

We added one more layer, then we put curtain material on top.

After that we squirted water with lix flakes in it on our work. We rubbed it around and around until it was flat.

Look at our superb work!

We washed our wool. We still didn't know how to make make it into a jersey.
Mrs Clark came and showed us how to card and spin wool. Then she wound it into a ball and Mrs Wilson knitted a little bit.
First we washed the wool.
 Mrs Clark carded the wool with her wool carder.

The she spun the wool. It looked quite tricky.

Next she wound the wool.

Then it was rolled into a ball ready to knit.
Knitting was tricky for us so we decided to try weaving.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

How can we use wool to make it useful to us?

We have been trying to find out how wool gets changed into useful things like jerseys, scarves and gloves. We had a very exciting Friday. Mr P came and shore a pet sheep in the classroom for us.

We saw how the sheep gets shorn and the wool comes off. Now we need to find out how the wool gets changed.

Sunday 13 May 2012


Here we are eye tracking- We watch a moving ball. 

Balancing with a partner is quite tricky. Great work!

 Look at us bouncing and catching the balls.

We're learning to jump off the boxes and land using a special motor bike landing.

We are bunny hopping through the hoops and learning to put things in order the grown up tells us too.

 We tried lots of different ways to move across the plank.

Today we did PMP. It was great fun.  Our new activity was spinning in the dizzy giddy and posting bean bags through a hoop. Here we all are.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Autumn in Roxburgh

Autumn is beautiful in Roxburgh. We went for walk looking for signs of Autumn. The colours of the trees were beautiful. We collected leaves of different colours and shapes.We played in the leaves.
After reading Autumn poems and stories we created our own super poems.

Anzac Day

We wanted to know more about Anzac Day so we went read stories about the war and went down the street to look for the tributes to our Teviot Valley soldiers who went to war. Here we are:

We thought about the brave men who went to war and wrote our own stories and made Anzac biscuits.
J wrote  "The war was scary. The soldiers were brave. They helped us to be free. They fought with guns and tanks. It was dangerous. They helped us to be free."
A wrote. " I watched the war on TV. It was scary. I screamed. People died. No more war!
L wrote " I saw a soldier in a tank. He was in the war. It was scary."
Most of us went to the Anzac service on Anzac Day. We wanted to remember the brave soldiers.

 We learnt that Anzac biscuits were great for the soldiers because they kept for a long time.