Saturday 12 May 2012

Anzac Day

We wanted to know more about Anzac Day so we went read stories about the war and went down the street to look for the tributes to our Teviot Valley soldiers who went to war. Here we are:

We thought about the brave men who went to war and wrote our own stories and made Anzac biscuits.
J wrote  "The war was scary. The soldiers were brave. They helped us to be free. They fought with guns and tanks. It was dangerous. They helped us to be free."
A wrote. " I watched the war on TV. It was scary. I screamed. People died. No more war!
L wrote " I saw a soldier in a tank. He was in the war. It was scary."
Most of us went to the Anzac service on Anzac Day. We wanted to remember the brave soldiers.

 We learnt that Anzac biscuits were great for the soldiers because they kept for a long time.

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